18 Similar findings have been reported in the United States, 19 Canada, 20
and in Britain. 21 During their years as medical students future family practitioners receive almost no tools for dealing with pain. During their years of residency the gaps are not narrowed. Pain as an independent topic is not part of the formal education of the family residency program Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in Israel, 22 although topics are studied in various rotations, such as orthopedics, neurology, and rheumatology. Even so, the training of family practitioners in Israel does not give them adequate tools for managing patient suffering from chronic pain. Thus the pain medicine IKK inhibitor crisis stems from the very high Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical prevalence of chronic pain coupled with poor training in the primary care setting and no secondary center consultant services. It is obvious that the vast scope of this phenomenon does not afford a solution that can be based upon tertiary pain
centers. The key to the solution lies in the hands Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of community-based medicine. 16 The crisis is reminiscent of that faced by the primary care community a few years ago with the outbreak of the “diabetes epidemic.” At that time, the dramatic increase in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus brought about an overflow in the number of patients in the diabetes clinics and a deterioration in
their treatment. 23 The similarity between the case for diabetes and the case for chronic pain is striking: Both conditions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are chronic, the prevalence high and increasing with age, and they cause severe morbidity and a decrease in quality of life. In both diseases treatment can rely on equipment and medications Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical readily found in the community setting. The realization that the challenge of the diabetic epidemic could not be adequately met in the tertiary care centers brought about the implementation of a project aimed at moving the treatment out of the hospitals and into the family practitioners’ clinics. In order to achieve this, the family practitioners underwent training that empowered them with from the necessary knowledge and tools; thus they became the leaders in the treatment of diabetes. The consultant diabetes clinics were then able to allocate more time to complicated patients, while coordinating with the family practitioners as effective partners. 24 We would like to propose a model for the solution of the pain crisis, based upon the stratification of patient allocation according to the severity of their condition. This model will involve primary, secondary, and tertiary clinics empowered with the necessary knowledge and skills for managing the patients in the appropriate tier of care.