(1995) The child’s ethnicity (Department for Education classific

(1995). The child’s ethnicity (Department for Education classification), neighbourhood (Lower Super

Output Area (LSOA)), school and year group were also recorded (The NHS Information Centre, 2012). Like Procter et AT13387 al. (2008) we were able to link each child’s LSOA to the Index of Multiple Deprivation as a measure of socioeconomic status (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2011). Prior to linking the 2010 Index of Multiple Deprivation to the NCMP data the score was nationally rescaled from 0 to 1 (normalised), to aid interpretation (Goldstein, 2003). The Department for Education ethnicity categories were collapsed into the following five categories to ensure that there were sufficient numbers in each category for analysis; White–British; Any other White background; Chinese, Asian or Asian British; Mixed/Dual background; and Any other ethnic group (including Black or Black British) (Department of Health, 2009). Procter et al. (2008) studied Year 4 (8–9 year olds) rather than Year 6 pupils alongside Reception pupils and used a binary ethnicity classification (south Asian or non-south Asian); otherwise the data sets are similar and both cross-sectional. Consequently, it was possible to apply the method proposed by Procter et al. (2008) within each of the five years of the NCMP data set as outlined below.

In education, school-level value-added scores are used as comparable measures Bumetanide of the average improvement in pupil attainment while attending the Sirolimus school. To ensure fair comparisons of different schools, it is important to adjust for differences in school composition. The following steps were taken to apply ‘value-added’ methods to pupil weight status. Rank schools according to their observed mean BMI-SDS (Observed ranking). Following Procter et al. (2008) both

year groups were combined to calculate each school’s mean BMI-SDS. The ranking of schools based upon their observed mean BMI-SDS was recorded, giving a rank of the schools with lowest to highest mean pupil weight status. This Observed ranking is not a reflection of school effect on weight status as differences in mean BMI-SDS could relate to differences in school composition (e.g. demographics) or be a reflection of the pre-school (baseline) pupil weight status. Rank schools according to how much their observed mean BMI-SDS differed from the expected (‘Expected’ ranking). The next step was to adjust the data to determine the extent to which the school’s mean pupil weight status differs from that expected. As ethnicity and socioeconomic status are widely recognised determinants of obesity, these were the pupil characteristics used to calculate the expected mean pupil BMI-SDS ( Butland et al., 2007).

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