7% (4 out of 109 patients), the mean value of the program was estimated 4,1 ± 0,2%. HE occurred in 11 (10.1%) patients, the estimated risk rate was 10,8 ± 0,3%. Bleeding from the EGV in early postshunting period was observed in 4 (3.7%) patients, the estimated risk for this group was 4,2 ± 0,2%. Increase the risk of ascites according to the program was 13,2 ± 0,5%, the true value was 12.8% (14).
Mortality was 3.7% (4), whereas the calculated risk was 4,1 ± 0,2%. Summary of calculated survival according to the program amounted to 91,2 ± 0,4%, while the true figure – 93.0%. After the central shunting the true frequency of liver failure was 3.8% (3 out of 80 patients), value of the program 3,6 ± 0,1%. HE occurred in 12 (15.0%) patients, the estimated risk rate was 16,2 ± 0,4%. Bleeding from the EGV in early selleck screening library postshunting period was observed in 2 (2.5%) patients, the estimated risk for this group was 2,7 ± 0,1%. Increase the risk of ascites according to the program was 5,9 ± 0,2%, while the true value was 6.3% (5). Mortality was 2.5% (2), whereas the calculated risk was 2,8 ± 0,1%. Summary survival was calculated – 90,2 ± 0,3%, while the true figure is also not significantly different –
91.2%. Conclusion: Thus, the developed integrated risk assessment program of cirrhotic patients, allows to calculate the risk of developing specific postshunting complications, mortality, survival PD0325901 mw and prognosis, with accuracy equal to 85,6–98,3% – for selective types of bypass surgery and 88,0–98,9% – options for central decompression. Key Word(s): 1. LIVER CIRRHOSIS; Presenting Author: FERUZGAFUROVICH NAZIROV Additional Authors: DEVYATOVANDREY VASILEVICH, BABDJANOVAZAM HASANOVICH Corresponding Adenosine triphosphate Author: FERUZGAFUROVICH NAZIROV Affiliations: Republican Specialized Center of Surgery named after acad. V.Vahidov Objective: Degree of progression of the pathological process in
the liver in the absence of the risk of bleeding from esophageal and gastric varices (EGV) is a main predictor of survival in patients with liver cirrhosis (LC). In view of generally accepted indications for liver transplantation, which should be performed in patients with decompensated LC, compensated state function of hepatocytes allows for dynamic monitoring with conservative therapy. Against this background, nivelation of the risk of hemorrhagic syndrome is a priority task for the solution of which will reduce the need for liver transplantation or to delay its implementation. Methods: To assess the severity and prognosis of survival after portosystemic shunt (PSSh) used MELD. Analyzed figures from 32 patients operated on at 2011 and traced for a year after PSSh. The mean age was 30,97 ± 3,12 years. Results: Before PSSh mean value MELD score was 10,19 ± 0,24 points. Implementation of PSSh in the immediate postoperative period did not result in a significant deterioration of the MELD (10,94 ± 0,23).