The hand and its tactile receptors can function to locate objects and stimuli with respect to both the compound screening assay bodily
location on which the stimulus impinges and the external locations (see Martin, 1995). It is possible that varying the kinds of information available concerning the body and external space might bias the brain towards or away from encoding touch with respect to one or another of these frames of reference. The richer and more reliable cues to the body which we receive when we look at it might bias processing of, or attract attention towards, the intrinsic spatial reference frames which play a role in representing location on the body surface. Thus, when the hands are visible, as well as felt through proprioception, their location, and the locations of the tactile stimuli upon them, may
be more likely to be encoded with respect to anatomical coordinates. In line with this suggestion, recent research shows that vision of the hand modulates somatosensory processing (Forster & Eimer, 2005; Sambo et al., 2009; Longo et al., 2011) and also improves tactile acuity with respect to the body surface (Kennett et al., 2001; Fiorio & Haggard, 2005; Cardini et al., 2011). Thus, we suggest that in our study, hand position (posture) effects were observed ipsilaterally in Experiment 2 (no sight of hands), because there were fewer cues to the anatomical location of AZD4547 cell line the hands and to the tactile stimuli applied to them in this condition (i.e. buy 5-FU just proprioceptive cues). When visual and proprioceptive cues were provided, this may have given more
weight to an anatomical frame of reference, leading to hand position being encoded anatomically (i.e. via contralateral pathways). The current experiments are the first to demonstrate the electrophysiological time course of somatosensory spatial remapping in the absence of manipulations of voluntary attention. The data reported here suggest that the process of remapping tactile locations according to the current posture of the limbs occurs from around 128 to 150 ms after stimulus onset (affecting primarily the somatosensory N140 component). Vision of the limbs plays an important role in the way that the brain processes posture. Sight of the limbs modulated the hemispheric distribution of activity associated with processing changes in the posture of the limbs. When there was no vision of the limbs, somatosensory remapping processes (postural effects on the N140) were observed over ipsilateral sites, but when participants could see their hands these processes appeared over contralateral sites.