During the period of observation, CTP ≥7, death (including

During the period of observation, CTP ≥7, death (including buy EPZ-6438 those unrelated to liver disease), ascites, and HCC were the most common outcomes experienced by patients. Among patients with baseline fibrosis, 109 progressed to cirrhosis at month 24 and a further 69 had cirrhosis at month 48 (annualized rate of progression to cirrhosis 9.9%) (Table 2). The observed 8-year and calculated annualized incidences of each clinical outcome were three- to four-fold more frequent in the cirrhosis stratum than in the fibrosis stratum (Table 2). Once CTP score rose to ≥7, patients with bridging fibrosis at baseline did not differ from those

with cirrhosis at baseline in the rate of subsequent outcomes. Of 137 study patients with CTP score ≥7 as the first clinical outcome, 93 (69%) had a subsequent clinical outcome after a median time of 11 months; liver-related death or liver transplantation was the most frequent event after a CTP score ≥7, followed by clinical decompensation and ascites (Table 2). Demographic features did not influence outcome rates; the annualized incidence of outcomes,

including progression to cirrhosis, did AZD2014 mouse not differ between men and women or between patients younger versus older than 50 years (P > 0.05) (Table 3). There were too few non-whites or Hispanics to perform meaningful analyses of individual outcomes by ethnic group. A total of 138 deaths were observed during the study (i.e., through October 20, 2009), 82 (59%) of which were

liver-related. After the first 1-2 years of observation, we observed a linear increase in all-cause death and liver-related death for the entire HALT-C Trial population (Figure 2A). The cumulative incidence of all deaths and of liver-related deaths or transplantation was higher among patients who had cirrhosis compared with patients who did not (Figure 2B). Following the development of a CTP score ≥7 (Figure 2C) or a decompensation event (Figure 2D), nearly all deaths were liver-related. At baseline, the prevalence of hypoalbuminemia, thrombocytopenia, and hyperbilirubinemia was higher among patients with cirrhosis than those without cirrhosis (Figure 3A,B). The cumulative 8-year incidence of abnormal levels was higher in the cirrhosis stratum than the fibrosis Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease stratum for all laboratory markers, except elevated creatinine, which was comparable in both strata (Figure 3A,B). During the observation period, reductions in albumin and in platelet count occurred earlier and more frequently than abnormalities in the other laboratory markers measured. Low platelet count was shown previously to be the best predictor of overall outcomes in the randomized phase of the HALT-C Trial (through 3.5 years), irrespective of stage of fibrosis.17 With further observation, we found that the baseline platelet count was associated closely with the annual rate of initial clinical decompensation.

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