However, the diagnosis of fatty change, established cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma may be suggested by ultrasound, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and confirmed by other laboratory investigations.143, 144 The major value of imaging studies is to exclude other causes of abnormal liver tests in a patient who abuses alcohol, such as obstructive biliary pathology, or infiltrative and neoplastic diseases
of the liver.145 MRI has been used as an adjunct to diagnose cirrhosis, and to distinguish end-stage liver disease related to viral hepatitis infection from ALD. Specific features that may be suggestive of alcoholic cirrhosis include a higher volume index of the caudate lobe, Selleckchem PR-171 more frequent visualization of the
right posterior hepatic notch, and smaller size of regenerative nodules of the liver in patients with cirrhosis on the basis of ALD versus chronic viral hepatitis.146 Although changes were identified on ultrasound and MRI, it is unclear whether these results are generalizable.146, Selleckchem beta-catenin inhibitor 147 Although not essential in the management of ALD, a liver biopsy is useful in establishing the diagnosis.144 As many as 20% of patients with a history of alcohol abuse have a secondary or coexisting etiology for liver disease.148 In the absence of decompensated disease, clinical and biochemical indicators are poor markers of the severity of liver disease, and a biopsy is useful in establishing the stage and severity of liver disease.144, 149 The histological features of alcohol-induced hepatic injury vary, depending on the extent and stage of injury. These may include steatosis (fatty change), lobular inflammation,
periportal fibrosis, Mallory bodies, nuclear vacuolation, bile ductal proliferation, and fibrosis or cirrhosis.24 These may coexist in the same biopsy, however, and are not individually pathognomonic of ALD. The clinical diagnosis of AH is made based on a typical presentation, with severe liver dysfunction in the context of excessive alcohol consumption, and the exclusion of other causes of acute and chronic liver disease. In the subset of patients see more with AH, a liver biopsy may demonstrate specific histologic features, including confluent parenchymal necrosis, steatosis, deposition of intrasinusoidal and pericentral collagen, ballooning degeneration, and lobular inflammation affecting the perivenular regions in the earliest stages.34 The liver may be infiltrated with polymorphonuclear cells, typically clustered around cytoplasmic structures known as Mallory bodies,150 which represent aggregated cytokeratin intermediate filaments and other proteins. In addition to confirming the diagnosis and staging the extent of disease, specific features on liver biopsy also convey prognostic importance. The severity of inflammation (i.e.