37 points, adjusted p = 004) and nondaily smokers (by 0 80 point

37 points, adjusted p = .004) and nondaily smokers (by 0.80 points, adjusted p Oligomycin A molecular weight �� .0001), but not among nonsmokers. Sex significantly modified the effect of graphic images versus not (F(1, 822) = 4.13, p = .04); although both males and females rated the graphic warnings higher than the nongraphic warnings, this difference was greater among females (graphic warnings rated 2.44 points higher among females vs. 2.18 among males). Adults An LME model was conducted with the adult sample to examine whether average index effectiveness score was associated with age, sex, race/ethnicity, education level, income level, smoking frequency (daily/nondaily), and quit intentions (any/none), while adjusting for health effect set. Age was significantly associated with scores (F(1, 502) = 9.8, p = .

002), with younger adults rating warnings higher (b = ?0.013). Race was also significantly associated (F(1, 738) = 9.7, p = .002), with higher scores among minority race respondents than white respondents (adjusted means 5.89 and 5.24, respectively). Smokers who intended to quit rated the warnings significantly higher (F(1, 738) = 43.9, p < .0001) than those with no quit intentions (adjusted means 6.11 and 5.01, respectively). Sex, income, education, and smoking status were not significantly associated with index rating scores (although education and smoking status approached significance at p = .07). Youth Similarly, a separate LME model was conducted with the youth sample to examine whether average index effectiveness score was associated with age, sex, race/ethnicity, and smoking status (daily smoker, nondaily smoker, nonsmoker), while adjusting for health effect set.

Race was also significantly associated (F(1, 502) = 9.8, p = .002), with higher scores among minority race respondents than white respondents (adjusted means 6.54 and 5.91, respectively). Sex, age, and smoking status were not significantly associated with index rating scores. When the subsample of youth smokers was examined in a model including age, sex, race/ethnicity, smoking frequency (daily/nondaily), and quit intentions (any/none), only quit intentions were significantly associated, with smokers who intended to quit rating the warnings significantly higher (F(1, 142) = 14.7, p = .0002) than those with no quit intentions (adjusted means 6.57 and 5.06, respectively).

Discussion The pictorial health warnings proposed by the FDA will become one of the country’s most high profile public health campaigns once Dacomitinib implemented. However, the impact of the new health warnings will be determined to a large extent by the individual messages and images displayed in the warnings. The proposed set of images, from which the nine health warnings were drawn, represented a range of themes, including novel approaches such as the use of ��comic book style�� warnings.

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