8, 9 More interestingly, FXR null mice spontaneously develop live

8, 9 More interestingly, FXR null mice spontaneously develop liver tumors when they age.10, 11 Because bile acids are known to cause DNA damage and induce cell transformation if their levels are not controlled, FXR’s roles in suppressing bile acid synthesis as well as promoting liver repair could be an intrinsic mechanism to protect liver from tumorigenesis.12, 13 Although bile acids are synthesized in the liver, FXR in both liver and intestine are required to control levels of bile acids. FXR represses CYP7a1 gene expression through the coordinated induction of fibroblast growth factor

15 (FGF15) in intestine and short heterodimer partner (SHP) in liver. FGF15 and SHP then act cooperatively to repress CYP7a1 transcription through a mechanism selleck chemicals that is not yet understood.14 Mice with deletion of either FGF15 or SHP have markedly elevated basal CYP7a1 expression. Mice with intestine-specific deletion of FXR lost the selleckchem suppression of CYP7a1 expression after treatment with an FXR ligand, GW4064, suggesting that FXR in the gut is key to regulate bile acid synthesis in the liver.15 Moreover, FGF15 has been shown to promote hepatocyte proliferation through its receptor (FGFR4) in liver.16 FGFR4-deficient mice

exhibited increased liver injury and delayed liver repair after injury.17 All these results highlight an endocrine role of FGF15 from intestine to the liver. However, whether FGF15 has a role in liver regeneration/repair is unclear. PD184352 (CI-1040) In this study, we took advantage of liver- and intestine-specific FXR null mice and showed that both hepatic FXR and intestinal FXR contributed to promoting liver regeneration/repair. We further demonstrated that FGF15 induced by intestine FXR was an endocrine pathway to promote liver regrowth. BrdU, 2-bromodeoxy-uridine; CCl4, carbon tetrachloride; CYP7a1, cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase; FGF15, fibroblast growth factor 15; FXR, farnesoid X receptor; PH, partial hepatectomy; SHP, short heterodimer partner. FXR whole-body knockout mice (KO) were described.5 Liver-specific

FXR null mice (ΔL-FXR) and intestine-specific FXR null mice (ΔIN-FXR) were generated at the University of Southern California. All procedures followed National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. Mice were housed in a pathogen-free animal facility under a standard 12-hour light/dark cycle and fed standard rodent chow and water ad libitum. Male mice between 8 and 10 weeks old were used in each group of experiments; 3-7 mice were used in each group. Total proteins from livers or ileal mucosa of ΔL-FXR and ΔIN-FXR FXR-null mice and FXR flox/flox (FXR Fl/Fl) controls were extracted and subjected to western blot analysis. Tail biopsies from animals were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of the cre allele was detected by primers ML136 and ML137, resulting in a 500-bp PCR product.

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