A median plasma volume of 5560 mL (range: 3700–9500 mL) was treated. The mean amount of FVIII that was substituted during the MBMP to
achieve CR in patients was 0.196 × 106 IU ± 0.5 × 106 IU. Patients with PR received an average of 0.39 × 106 IU ± 0.26 × 106 IU FVIII concentrate. A median amount of rFVIIa of about 0.66 × 103 (range: 0–8.24 × 103 kIU) was administered. The time course of the development of the FVIII activity and the administered dosages of FVIII for a representative patient are shown in Fig. 1. MBMP Out of 67 patients, 60 patients underwent MBMP. In 58 patients MBMP was PF-01367338 in vitro completed. Due to catheter occlusion treatment was interrupted in two patients in the third and twelfth treatment cycles, respectively (Fig. 2). Fifty-four patients who completed MBMP achieved CR. PR was achieved in four patients. In this subgroup, malignant disorders with a poor prognosis were diagnosed during the course of the treatment. The improvement of blood clotting owing to our protocol permitted patients to undergo diagnostic steps for tumour staging, including pleurodesis, bone Y-27632 research buy marrow aspiration, lymph node biopsy or mediastinoscopy without bleeding events. Once apheresis started, bleeding was controlled in all 58 patients. Figure 3 indicates the time points at which undetectable inhibitor levels were achieved (Fig. 3a), coagulation factor
concentrates could be discontinued (Fig. 3b) and extracorporeal treatment was discontinued (Fig. 3c). The mean number of apheresis days required to reach these endpoints
was 4.4 days (95% CI 2.9–5.8 days), 17 days (95% CI 14.1–20 d) and 19 days (95% CI 16.2–22.3 days), respectively. The FVIII inhibitor titre correlated with the treatment 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl days (rs = 0.514, P < 0.01). Conventional treatment Two patients with moderate clinical bleedings were treated conventionally. The first patient was a young female patient who developed the inhibitor postpartum (FVIII inhibitor titre: 5 BU mL−1, FVIII activity 4%) with mild bleeding symptoms (muscles haematoma). She was treated successfully with steroids over a period of 3 months. The second patient was a 79-year-old man with haemorrhage gastritis and mild muscle haematomas (FVIII inhibitor titre 74 BU mL−1, FVIII activity 4%). He suffered from a severe chronic obstructive lung disease and severe chronic heart failure and was treated successfully with a combination of steroids (1 mg kg−1 BW) and cyclophosphamide (2 mg kg−1 BW) over a period of 9 months. Nevertheless, he experienced a progressive renal failure during immunosuppressive treatment resulting in an increase of serum creatinine from 1.7 mg dL−1 before to 2.9 mg dL−1. Treatment had to be interrupted several times owing to respiratory and urinary infections.