Arai et al performed whole transcriptome sequencing in patients

Arai et al. performed whole transcriptome sequencing in patients affected by intrahepatic CCC without KRAS/BRAF/ROS1 alterations. They used a strategy to identify fusion proteins, then identified two fusion kinase genes involving fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Extending their finding in a group of 66 patients with intrahepatic CCC, they detected FGFR2 fusion in 13% of the cases. These patients did not present with peculiar clinical features, except an association with viral hepatitis, but the numbers are small. FGFR2 fusion kinase seems to be a very rare

event in HCC (1%) and could not be detected in extrahepatic CCC cholangiocarcinoma. Expression of the fusion kinase transformed NIH3T3 cells and FGFR kinase inhibitors reversed these effects. This work illustrates the importance of stratifying cancer patients for driver alterations. A trial testing FGFR2 kinase inhibitor in intrahepatic CCC is very likely to be negative if its population is not selected for FGFR2 activation. (Hepatology 2014;59:1427-1434.) Evidence-based medicine requires demonstration

of benefits with randomized control trials. However, some clinical practices establish themselves nevertheless without such evidence. This is the case for liver transplantation. More controversial is the case of enrolling patients at risk for HCC in a surveillance program. American and European guidelines recommend screening with ultrasonography every 6 months. There is one randomized trial that has the merit selleck chemicals to address this issue, but shortcomings in its realization have limited its importance.

Because performing such a trial would currently face major ethical concerns, one of the best ways to address this issue is by mathematical modeling. Mourad et al. developed a sophisticated Markov model in patients with compensated HCV-related liver cirrhosis. They determined life expectancy in a fictitious cohort of 700 patients according to several scenarios. They were first cautious to confirm that the assumptions they had to make result in outcomes that closely fit reality. Then, with this model, they were able to show medchemexpress the complementary importance of access to screening and effectiveness of screening. The researchers artfully took into account lead time bias. These results clearly show a survival benefit with regular screening and add arguments in favor of HCC surveillance. (Hepatology 2014;59:1471-1481.) “
“Alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC) is an established indication for liver transplantation (LT). Although the importance of preoperative abstinence is accepted, the optimal period of pretransplant abstinence is unclear. Our previous report in a Japanese cohort revealed a significant negative impact of recidivism on patient survival but failed to show significance of the length of pretransplant abstinence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the optimal period of pretransplant abstinence.

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