Based on these criteria 2073 probe sets were included in the hier

Based on these criteria 2073 probe sets were included in the hierarchical clustering. The clus ter analysis was done using dChip software. Co regulated genes identified in the cluster analysis were functionally annotated using DAVID, a web based tool for functional annotation of genes according to the biological process they are involved in. Additionally individual functional annotation clustering scientific research was performed with genes significantly regulated in one treatment group. In both cases genes were uploaded into DAVID using the web interface. Gene ontology terms were obtained including their p value. GO terms with p values 10 3 were included in the further analysis. Reverse Transcription and real time PCR 2 ug of total RNA extracted from neurosphere cul tures was reverse transcribed using oligo 18 primer or random hexamer primers and SuperScript II reverse tran scriptase.

Quantitative real time PCR was performed on a LightCyclerW 480 device using LightCyclerW 480 SYBR Green I Master with 1 ul cDNA. The following primer pairs were used The standard quantification protocol was applied with the following cycles 1 cycle for preincubation 5 min at 95 C, followed by 48 cycles for quantification 10s at 95 C, 10s at 60 C 20s at 72 C. Melting curve analysis was performed for all samples in order to validate the unique generation of expected PCR products. In addition Stat3, Smad7, Bmp2 and Bmp4 expression was quantified using TaqMan assays Primer pairs recog nizing beta Actin or Gapdh were used for normalization.

For statistical analysis, relative expression levels were calculated with the function, where Ct is the normalized difference in threshold cycle number between the control sample or the TSA or BMP2 treated sample. Each Ct value was calculated from triplicate replicates of any given condition. The mean of relative expression levels were calculated from the individual RE values from 2 3 independent experi ments, and the standard error of the mean was calculated from the standard deviation. In order to eval uate the statistical significance the Students T test Batimastat was employed, comparing control sample to TSA or BMP2 treated samples, respectively. Immunoblotting Cells were washed once with room temperature PBS, then 200 ul lysis buffer, complemented with 4% complete protein inhibitors, was added per plate. Cells were scraped from the plates on ice using cell scrapers. Lysates were transferred into eppendorf tubes, triturated through a syringe 10 times. the lysates were centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 12 min at 4 C, aliquoted and stored at ?80 C. Protein concentration was determined via Bradford assay. Samples were then run on 15% SDS gels, and blotted on PVDF membranes.

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