Consistent with the significant contribution of the
binding of CheR and CheB to their substrate sites to the overall exchange dynamics, we observed a clear increase in the exchange rates of CheR (Figure 2a) and CheB (Figure 2b) in strains where this binding was compromised. Whereas the characteristic exchange time of CheR in CheR+ CheB+ cells was ~15 sec, this time was reduced to ~6 sec in the strain that lacks cheB, thus having all receptors in a fully modified state (i.e., QEmQEm, where Em is the methylated glutamate), with no substrate sites available for methylation (Figure 2a and Figure S1a). A very similar reduction has been observed for the catalytic mutant of CheR (CheRD154A, [36]) in ΔcheRcheB cells (Figure 2a). Although in these cells receptors EPZ015666 clinical trial are in the half-modified (QEQE; Figure S1a) state and thus have available substrate sites, the catalytic mutant of CheR apparently fails to bind to these sites efficiently. The dependence of CheR exchange on the level of selleck chemical receptor modification is thus likely to be a direct consequence of its binding to the substrate sites, although it is still possible that receptor modification has an indirect, allosteric effect on the affinity of CheR binding. Figure 2 Exchange kinetics of adaptation
enzymes. (a) Recovery kinetics of CheR-YFP in strain VS102 NVP-HSP990 order (CheR+ CheB+) with receptors in low methylated state (filled circles, solid black line; data taken from [37]) and in strain LL5 that lacks chromosomal CheR and CheB (white squares, dashed black line), and recovery kinetics of YFP-CheRD154A (gray diamonds, gray line) in strain LL5. (b) Recovery kinetics of CheB-YFP in strain VS102 (filled circles, solid black line, data taken from [37]), and of CheBS164C-YFP (gray diamonds, gray line) and CheBD56E-YFP (white squares, dashed black line) in LL5. Curves represent means of 13 to 30 experiments, with error Idoxuridine bars indicating standard errors. Similarly, the characteristic
exchange time for CheB was reduced from ~16 sec to ~4 sec upon mutation of the catalytic site (CheBS164C, [46]; Figure 2b), suggesting that the binding to the substrate sites is similarly important for the overall stability of CheB association with the cluster. A similar reduction in the exchange time, to ~2.5 sec, was observed upon mutating the phosphorylation site of CheB (CheBD56E; Figure 2b), consistent with a previous observation that unphosphorylated CheB shows weaker binding to receptor clusters [40]. Surprisingly, the exchange rate of the wild type CheB in the cheR background was similar to that in the CheR+ CheB+ strain (data not shown). We observed, however, that receptors were not fully deamidated in this strain (Figure S1b), likely providing sufficient number of substrate binding sites (Qs) for CheB molecules. In vivo stability of the cluster core is not affected by temperature Finally, we have analyzed effects of temperature on stability of the cluster core. E.