Figure 5 Microdispersion state of graphite particles SEM images

Figure 5 Microdispersion state of graphite particles. SEM images (a) ×1,000 and (b) ×3,000. Figure 6 is drawn to explain the synthesis process and action mechanism of water-soluble nanographite. The nanographite materials are in agglomeration

at the beginning (Figure 6a). After ultrasonic pretreatment, MEK inhibitor side effects the agglomerations are broken into small ones, and the surfactant adsorbs on the surface of small graphite particles. The nanographite realizes the preliminary dispersion at this stage (Figure 6b). Through in situ emulsion polymerization, the nanographite/polymethyl acrylate composite is synthesized as shown in Figure 6c. The surface of nanographite is completely covered and encapsulated by polymethyl acrylate. The hydrophobic moieties of polymethyl acrylate are embedded in the surface of nanographite particles, and the hydrophilic LY3009104 mw ones are dissolved in

aqueous environment. The coating of polymethyl acrylate can reduce the interparticle force and produce steric hindrance which results in the reduced possibility of agglomeration of nanographite particles. Figure 6 Synthesis process and action mechanism of water-soluble nanographite. (a) In agglomeration, (b) preliminary dispersion, and (c) stabilized dispersion. Tribological properties Tribological tests were conducted on the four-ball friction tester. Table 2 shows the basic parameters of base fluid and nanographite fluid. The friction coefficient is an important factor in evaluating the characteristics of lubricants. It could be concluded from Table 2 that the mean friction coefficient of nanographite fluid decreases by 44% in comparison with the base

fluid. It demonstrates that Reverse transcriptase the water-soluble nanographite plays a good lubricant role during the friction process. The relationship between the friction coefficient and testing time is shown in Figure 7. In general, the friction coefficient decreases over testing time, but it becomes stable after 800 s. Relatively speaking, the friction coefficient of the nanographite fluid is smaller than the base fluid at the same testing time. Meanwhile, wear scar diameter (WSD) decreases by 49% (from 1.27 to 0.65 mm), and P B value increases from 784 to 883 N. These data indicate that the extreme pressure and antiwear properties of water-based cutting fluid SCH727965 improve prominently, owing to the addition of nanographite. There is a significant reduction in direct metal contact in the presence of nanographite particles. In addition, the surface tension of the nanographite fluid (32.76 × 10−3 N/m) is at low level. It increases the wettability of the cutting fluid and thereby helps the spreading on the surface of workpiece. Figure 7 Relationship between the friction coefficient and testing time. Table 2 Tribological parameters of base fluid and nanographite fluid Tribological parameters Base fluida Nanographite fluidb Mean friction coefficient (μ) 0.106 0.059 WSD D (mm) 1.27 0.

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