Films are formulated
using chitosan as biodegradable polymer. Chitosan can be employed as drug retarding membranes only when it is crosslinked, usually with glutaraldehyde. But glutaraldehyde is harmful to mucus membrane even in low concentrations of 0.015 ppm.6 some Polyelectrolytes such as Sodium Citrate and Sodium Tripolyphosphate are used as crosslinking agents7 which will avoid the use of glutaraldeyde. Moxifloxacin and chitosan were gifted as sample from Bioplus BMS-777607 in vivo Banglore, Acetic acid was purchased from Merck specialities Pvt. Ltd, Trisodium citrate and Glycerol purchased from Qualigens Fine chemicals Mumbai. Chitosan solution (4% w/v), was prepared by dissolving chitosan in 4% w/v acetic acid8 and then Moxifloxacin (1% w/v) was dispersed in the solution. The mixture was left to stand until trapped air bubbles disappeared and then poured into a Teflon mould. The
poured solution was allowed to dry in a hot air oven (Pars Azma 1597) at 37 °C to constant weight. The resulting dry films were crosslinked by soaking in 100 ml aqueous solution of sodium citrate 4 °C. Other crosslinking conditions were: 3%–5% w/v sodium citrate; solution pH of 5; and crosslinking time of 1–4.0 h. The crosslinked films were then rinsed in 20 ml of distilled water and dried. The formulation parameters of periodontal films were described in Table 1. Compatibility studies were conducted using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Differential scanning colorimetric (DSC) analysis Hydroxychloroquine datasheet of the drug alone, polymer alone and polymer along with the drug. Physicochemical properties such as morphological studies, film thickness, uniformity of weight, surface pH, percentage moisture loss, folding endurance, tensile strength and content uniformity were determined.9 Samples of CH powder, CH-MOX, CH-MOX-NaCit cross linked films were dried to constant weight and triturated with an equal quantity of KBr. Each sample was then compressed to obtain discs for IR analysis. The spectra of these discs were recorded on a
Perkin Elmer RXI, IR spectrophotometer (USA) in the spectral region of 500–4000 cm−1. The experiments were carried out in triplicate. Thermal analysis of Megestrol Acetate Moxifloxacin drug with mixture of various ingredients were studied by various thermal analysis of DSC Seiko, Japan, DSC 200c model was used for the study. Samples of 1–4 mg were sealed hermetically in flat bottomed aluminium cells or pans. Then the samples were heated over a temperature of 30–450 °C in an atmosphere of nitrogen (30 ml/min) at a constant rate of 10 °C per min using alumina (standard material of DSC supplied by Shimadzu corporation) as reference standard. The surface and cross sectional morphologies of chitosan-citrate crosslinked films were examined using scanning electron microscopy. Thickness of the dried films was measured using micrometer (model 2050-08, Mitutoyo, Japan).