Holes, which do change their depth but keep their value of Γhom constant, are
a proof that only those pigments that are involved in a specific dynamic process, with a characteristic decay or dephasing time, have been selected by hole burning. Two examples from our laboratory, in which ‘hidden’ spectra have been made visible in this way, are presented in this review: the first example deals with ‘traps’ for energy transfer in PSII complexes of green plants; the second one discusses the distribution of the lowest k = 0 exciton states in the B850 band of LH2 complexes of purple bacteria. In the first example, we show that, by means of FLN and HB, pigments within the isolated PSII RC, CP47 and https://www.selleckchem.com/products/CP-673451.html CP47-RC SBE-��-CD price complexes that do not participate in energy transfer can be distinguished by their decay times from those that do participate (Den Hartog et al. 1998b). ‘Trap’ pigments display narrow holes because the excited pigments decay in a few nanoseconds to the ground state by fluorescence. They can be separated from the pigments that participate in energy transfer as the latter have fast excited-state decay times and, therefore, show broad and shallow holes. The spectral distribution of the depths
of the narrow holes, thus, represents the distribution of ‘traps’ for LY411575 datasheet energy transfer. The existence of CP43- and CP47-‘trap’ states in O2-evolving PSII complexes has recently been reported (Hughes et al. 2005), and the assignment of the two quasi-degenerate red ‘trap’ states in CP43 and the origin of the HB mechanism Oxalosuccinic acid in this system is presently a matter of debate in the literature (Dang et al. 2008; Hughes et al.
2006a; Jankowiak et al. 2000). Here, we further prove that the spectral distribution of the lowest k = 0 exciton states within the B850 band of LH2 complexes of purple bacteria can be obtained in a manner similar to that described above: by measuring the depths of narrow holes as a function of excitation wavelength in the red wing of B850. In this case, the excited BChl a molecules belonging to the lowest k = 0 states decay directly to the ground state with a lifetime of a few nanoseconds (ns), leading to very narrow holes. Higher-lying k-states, absorbing in the middle to the blue side of the B850 band, have many pathways of de-activation and, as a consequence, their decay times are fast, usually a few tens to hundreds of femtoseconds (fs), even at low temperature (Novoderezhkin et al. 2003; Van Grondelle and Novoderezhkin 2006, and references therein). Such fast decay times correspond to hole widths that are orders of magnitude larger than those burnt in the lowest-lying k = 0 band. Such wide holes are usually not detectable since they are very shallow and disappear in the noise.