In Bicalutamide most countries, cervical screening using a Papanicolaou test or liquid based cytology is used to detect abnormal cells that could develop into cancer. In addition, targeted screening for HPVs or diagnostic testing is now avail able. If and when abnormal cells are found, women are invited to have a col poscopy with visual inspection under acetoacetic acid. During a colposcopic inspection, biopsies can be taken and abnormal areas removed with simple procedures, typically by wedge biopsy, cauterizing loop, freezing, or chemo radio therapy. Treating abnormal cells in this way can halt the initiated development of cervical cancer. However, only a few high risk women, particularly within the developing world, ever get the timely test to detect abnormal cervical lesions.
In addition, only a minority of those who are tested and are positive ever receive the ther apy required to arrest disease. This may be attributed to inadequate follow up and poor referral systems within poorly resourced country health Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries centers. Recent development of HPV vaccines, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries which when effectively used can prevent pri mary infection with the HPV types that cause 70% of cervical cancers, has generated optimism that the global incidence of cervical cancer may be subdued. It is nevertheless important to acknowledge that coverage of HPV vaccin ation remains low within resource limited yet cervical cancer high incidence settings, and the current HPV vaccines are only effective when offered to girls who are not yet sexually active and have therefore never been exposed to high risk HPVs.
Overall, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the picture described above underscores the relevance of investing in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries devel opment of specifically HPV targeted treatments as a complementary public health strategy for controlling the global incidence of cervical cancer. More recently, Lin et al. have proposed and experimentally tested the use of proteosome and histone de acetylase inhibitors as novel HPV targeted treatments for cervical cancer. The alternate option of directly disrupting or abolishing HPV gene expression Bacteria endowed with the restriction modification system exhibit amazing re sistance to tropism by the xenogeneic DNA of bacteria infecting viruses, bacterio phages. RM systems can be said to be a primitive form of the many restriction factors that have recently been found to possess innate antiviral Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries properties.
I pre viously proposed using the anti phage DNA machinery inherent within bacterial RM systems as a model for devising eukaryotic virus gene sellckchem therapies. Towards this goal, I and colleagues identified several bacterially derived restriction enzymes with potential to cleave the DNA of human infecting viruses, including frequency and site mapping of HIV 1, HIV 2 and several other SIV gene cleavages using a proviral DNA model.