In total, EMCCs this website alerted doctors on-call in half of the life-threatening situations, compared to 45% in not life-threatening
situations (p < 0.004). Doctors on-call responded with call-outs in 56% of the life-threatening situations compared to 38% in not life-threatening situations (p < 0.000). By regression analyses clear associations were found between EMCC areas and whether the doctors on-call were alerted or not. There is also a statistical significant association between alerts in not life-threatening Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical situations and alerts to primary care doctors in remote municipalities (table (table55). Table 5 Odds ratio (95% CI) for primary care doctors being alerted Low severity score on NACA were associated with a higher possibility of call-out as response among the primary Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical care doctors. There was a positive statistically significant association between call-out and remote municipalities in the total area, but when each district was analysed this association was significant only for Stavanger. For
the total area the air ambulance on call-out was associated with a statistically significant decrease in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical odds ratio for primary care doctors being on call-out to the same patients, but the results were not statistically significant for the Stavanger area. Increasing population in the primary care districts is associated with more call-outs as the response among the primary care doctors in all three areas (table (table66). Table 6 Odds ratios for (95% CI) type of response when primary care doctors were alerted for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical total area and in the three EMCC districts Discussion Primary care doctors in the health
care services, including rGPs during daytime and primary care doctors on-call out-of-hours, took active part in 50% of all red responses. Primary care doctors on-call were alerted Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in nearly half of the red response cases managed by the three EMCCs. The doctors on-call responded with call-outs or consulted the ambulance personnel in a majority of the alerted cases, and they responded with call-outs in more than 55% of the life-threatening Thalidomide situations in all three areas. There were significant differences in the proportion of alerted doctors between the EMCCs. If alerted, however, the response pattern was similar. The strengths of our study include its completeness, representativity, and number of variables included. In the course of a three month period we were able to prospectively collect a complete material of more than 5 000 red responses based on a population of 816 000 inhabitants, close to 20% of the Norwegian population. The three EMCCs and their actions may not be representative for all EMCCs in Norway.