Measurements of the reliability of the STAI demonstrated excellent internal consistency (average α > 0.89), and the STAI Trait has an excellent test–retest
reliability (average r = 0.88) at multiple time intervals (Barnes et al. 2002). Based on the nature of the construct, the temporal stability for the STAI State (average r = 0.70) is lower than for the STAI Trait. Furthermore, the STAI has evidenced adequate convergent #Selleckchem Capmatinib keyword# and discriminant validity with other measures of state and trait anxiety (Spielberger 1983). Physical task We used a machine (see Fig. Fig.1)1) that represents an objective measurement of the BDORT, developed by Omura Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (1985), to measure the strength of the finger musculature. This machine was already utilized by Rathschlag and Memmert (2013) and the authors could show that the machine is an objective and reliable measurement for the strength of the finger musculature. The machine generated a pulling force that separates the index finger and the thumb when they touch Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical each other to form a ring and the strength
of the puling force could be controlled by a regulator. We first started to investigate participant’s maximal strength using the one repetition maximum which was defined as the highest pulling force at which participants can still hold the ring of index and thumb together. Therefore, the strength of the pulling force was Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical added in small increments (0.5–1.0 bar), with a resting period of 30 sec between measurements, until the subject could no longer hold the ring of index finger and thumb together. All measurements under the emotion of anxiety were tested at 90% of participants’ individual maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). To analyze the measurements, we filmed participants’ hands by a digital camera and the film material was observed by three raters who had to decide independently whether the
ring of index finger and thumb was open or closed. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The raters were neither informed about the purpose of this study, nor which emotion participants had to induce. Further, the raters were not informed about the allocation of the participants in two different groups (experimental group vs. control group). Casein kinase 1 The coding system was the following: 1.0 = ”unclosed ring”, 1.3 = ”approximately unclosed ring”, 1.7 = ”approximately closed ring”, 2.0 = ”closed ring”. After we assessed interrater-reliability of the three different subjective strength ratings, the mean of the three rater judgments (mean of the six measurements under the emotion of anxiety) was used for analysis. Figure 1 Experimental setup. Top: posture of arm, forearm, and especially of index and thumb during the task. Bottom left: posture of index and thumb rated as “closed ring” coded with “2”. Bottom right: posture of index and thumb …