Nevertheless, there is good evidence that the selleckchem Cabozantinib effects of urinary incontinence on sexual functioning are similar irrespective
of whether the condition has been classified as stress, urge, mixed incontinence25 or even interstitial cystitis.26 Urinary incontinence is associated with feelings of embarrassment and inadequacy as well as low self-esteem. It may also be associated with dyspareunia.24 Factors associated with dyspareunia in HIV-positive women: In the bivariate analysis, the fact that the woman’s partner had not been tested for HIV was associated with less dyspareunia. It is reasonable to speculate that not knowing her partner’s HIV status may in some way ‘minimise’ a woman’s concerns regarding transmission and reduce the probability of tension and dyspareunia.27 Another
factor related to the sexual partner that was associated with an increase in dyspareunia in the bivariate analysis was the woman having a steady partner, although this association was borderline. One explanation for this finding may lie in the psychological problems generated by the infection itself, which may arise more frequently in stable relationships.27 28 As one has not controlled for frequency of intercourse, one thought is that the dyspareunia is probably due a lower frequency of intercourse rather than an inferior quality of the relationship. Results of the bivariate analysis revealed an association between physical/emotional violence and dyspareunia. Violence is known to be associated with poorer psychological adjustment and adverse sexual health
outcomes in women.29 30 In addition, having muscle pain was associated with dyspareunia in the bivariate analysis. This finding is in line with another study showing that musculoskeletal pain often interferes with sex and may be associated with dyspareunia.31 A borderline association was found between the use of lamivudine/zidovudine and dyspareunia; however, no explanation for this association was found in the literature. One may hypothesise that dyspareunia in these women could be due to the side effects of these drugs on depression. GSK-3 There are some limitations to this study that must be taken into account. First, its cross-sectional design does not permit any conclusions to be drawn with respect to causality. It is also important to note that it was a clinical sample. So the results found in this study may not be extrapolated to the general population. Furthermore, there were some differences in the clinical characteristics of the HIV-positive and HIV-negative women. These differences could be attributed to the fact that the HIV-negative women were selected at specialist outpatient clinics providing care to menopausal women. By selecting HIV-positive women also in menopausal outpatient care, maybe groups would be similar.