Similarly, for availability the categories were low—“information is not available”, moderate—“some information is already available, but more is needed”, and high—“sufficient information is already available.” We asked respondents to rate availability independent of the importance rating, such that even if a topic
was of little importance to check details most projects, the availability would still be rated high if considerable information was available for this topic. We distributed our survey in two ways. First, we solicited responses to a paper copy of the survey that was distributed during the poster session of the 2007 State of the Estuary meeting in Oakland, California and the 2008 Riparian Habitat Joint Venture meeting in Sacramento, California. We also designed an identical online version of the survey and sent selleck chemical out a request for responses to e-mail lists maintained by California Partners in Flight, the Western Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, and the PRBO Conservation Science Restoration Group. Here, we restrict our analysis to a single category “Information transfer and decision support”, in which we asked respondents to rate the importance and availability of five methods of delivering
information about the conservation and restoration of riparian bird habitat (Table 1). Three of these methods (synthetic reviews, peer-reviewed publications, and unpublished reports) were based on printed formats. The other two methods were interactive web-based tools and one-on-one
interactions between the ecologists that develop decision BI 2536 manufacturer support information and the decision makers who use this information. Table 1 Five formats of information Cobimetinib supplier transfer and decision support for which respondents were asked to rate the importance and availability Method described in questionnaire Abbreviation Peer-reviewed scientific publications in bird and ecology journals (Condor, Conservation Biology, Restoration Ecology, etc.) Peer-reviewed publications Unpublished reports to management agencies Unpublished reports Printed (also available on-line) sources that synthesize the result of multiple studies (e.g., Cal PIF Riparian Habitat Conservation Plan, handouts, brochures, conservation plans) Synthetic reviews Interactive web-based decision-support tools and information Web-based tools Field trips, workshops, or one-on-one visits in which the developers of decision-support information explain, discuss, and guide their implementation One-on-one interactions The first column provides the word-for-word description of each method that was used in the questionnaire, the second column is the abbreviation used to refer to these methods in this manuscript Results We received a total of 86 completed surveys, 19 paper copies from the meetings and 67 electronically.