Table 3 Distribution of the proteins identified by CMAT and 2D-PAGE across phage genomes Gene Other Stx phages carrying the proteins in the study (identity) Accession number Other phages Accession number CM1 Stx2 JPH203 manufacturer converting phage II (99%) YP_003828920.1 phage VT2-Sakai (99%) NP_050557.1 phage 933 W (99%) NP_049519.1 Stx1 converting phage (99%) YP_003848832 phage BP-933 W (99%) YP_003848832.1 phage VT2phi_272 (99%) ADU03741.1 phage Min27(100%) ADU03741 CM2 Stx2 converting phage II (100%) BAC78116 phage VT2-Sakai (100%) NP_050531.1 phage Min27
(100%) YP_001648926 phage HK97 (99%) AAF31137 phage Lahn2 (99%) CAJ26400 phage Lahn3 (98%) CAC95062.1 phage 2851 (99%) CAQ82016 phage CP-1639(99%) selleck compound CAC83142 prophage CP-933 V(99%) AAG57233 Phage Nil2 (99%)(99%) CAC95095 Stx1
converting phage (99%) YP_003848889.1 Phage CP-1639 (99%) CAC83142.1 Phage YYZ-2088 (99%) YP_002274170.1 Stx2-converting phage 1717 (99%) YP_002274244.1 CM5 phage Min27 (100%) YP_001648966.1 Stx2 converting phage II(100%) YP_00388933.1 Stx2 converting phage I(100%) NP_612929.1 phage VT2-Sakai (100%) NP_050570.1 phage 933 W (100%) NP_049532.1 phage VT2phi_272 (100%) ADU03756 CM7 phage VT2-Sakai (99%) NP_050570 Stx1 converting phage (99%) BAC77866.1 Phage VT2phi_272 (97%) ADU03756.1 Phage 933 W (97%) NP_049532.1 Stx2 converting phage I (97%) NP_612929.1 Stx2 converting phage II(97%) BAC78032.1 Phage BP-933 W (97%) AAG55616.1 Stx2 converting phage 86 (91%) YP_794082.1 Phage Min27 Epigenetics inhibitor (97%) YP_001648966.1 CM18 phage VT2-Sakai (100%) NP_050564.1 Stx1 converting phage Resminostat (100%) YP_003848839.1
Phage 933 W (100%) NP_049526.1 Stx2 converting phage I (100%) ZP_02785836.1 Stx2 converting phage II (100%) YP_003828926.1 Phage BP-933 W (100%) NP_286999.1 Stx2 converting phage 86 (97%) YP_794076.1 Phage Min27 (100%) YP_001648959.1 P1 Stx2 converting phage II (99%) YP_003828937.1 Phage phiV10 (78%) YP_512303.1 Stx2 converting phage I (99%) NP_612952.1 Phage 933 W (99%) NP_049538.1 Phage BP-933 W (99%) AAG55619.1 phage VT2-Sakai (99%) NP_050575.1 Phage Min27 (96%) YP_001648901.1 Stx2-converting phage 86 (96%) YP_794094.1 Phage BP-4795 (96%) YP_001449244.1 phage CP-1639 (74%) CAC83133.1 P2 Stx2 converting phage I (100%) NP_612997.1 Salmonella enteric YP_002455860.1 Phage 933 W (100%) NP_049484.1 bacteriophage SE1 (86%) Phage BP-933 W (100%) AAG55573.1 Salmonella phage ST160 (86%) YP_004123782.1 Phage Min27 (100%) ABY49878.1 Stx2-converting phage 86 (100%) YP_794109.1 P3 Stx2 converting phage I (100%) NP_612995.1 Phage 933 W (100%) NP_049483.1 Stx2-converting phage 86 (100%) YP_794108.1 Phage Min27 (100%) YP_001648915.