The figure provided shows the respective species-specific bands. Lanes: 1–5,S. aureusisolates; 6–9,S. epidermidisisolates, 10,
negative control; M, molecular weight marker (100 bp Ladder, Invitrogen). (PDF 27 KB) Additional file 3:Multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of three adhesion- or biofilm-related genes. The figure provided shows the respective gene-specific bands. Lanes: 1,S. epidermidisCJBP2; 2,S. epidermidisV1LD1; 3,S. epidermidisDG2S; 4,S. epidermidisP2LD1; 5,S. epidermidisS1LDC13; 6, negative control; M, molecular weight marker.atlE gene: 682 bp;fbegene: 496 bp;icaD gene: 225 bp. (PDF 66 KB) References 1. World Health Organization (WHO):Mastitis: Causes and Management. WHO/FCH/CAH/00.13Geneva, Switzerland: Dept. learn more of child and adolescent health and development 2000. 2. Foxman B, D’Arcy H, Gillespie B, Bobo JK, Schwartz K:Lactation mastitis: occurrence and medical management among 946 breastfeeding women in the United States. Am J Epidemiol2002,155:103–114.CrossRefPubMed 3. Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM:Breastfeeding. A Guide for the Medical Profession 6 EditionSt. Louis: Mosby
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