The preparation of cell e tracts and measurement of lucif erase activities were determined using the Dual Luciferase Reporter Kit. Firefly luciferase activity was normalized with Renilla luciferase activity within each sample. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay ChIP assays were performed as described by other study. Briefly, cells were incubated in 1% formaldehyde for 10 min at 37 C, quenched with 125 mmol L glycine, lysed in SDS buffer with protease inhibitors, 0. 5 mmol L phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride and sonicated. Fragmented chromatin was pre cleared by adding salmon sperm DNA protein A agarose beads. A portion of the supernatant was kept as input material. The remaining cleared chromatin was incubated overnight with or with out 5 ug of anti Egr 1 antibody or normal human IgG.
DNA from each immunoprecipitation was reserved for input controls. A total of 2% of each IP was assayed by PCR using primers specific for the region of interest. Statistical analysis All e periments were repeated a minimum of three times. All data were e pressed as means SD. and then proc essed using SPSS10. 0 software. Statistical significance was determined with Students t test comparison between two groups of data set. Asterisks shown in the figures indicate significant differences of e perimental groups in comparison with the corresponding control condition. Introduction Malignant lymphoma is a group of hematological malig nancies, which includes Hodgkin lymphoma and non Hodgkin lymphoma. NHL make up around 90%, and HL account for the remaining 10% of all malig nant lymphomas.
NHL is generally classified according to its origin, that is, B cell NHL and T NK cell NHL. The most common NHL subtypes by far in developed countries are diffuse large B cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma. All other NHL subtypes have a frequency of less than 10%. NHL is the seventh most frequent cancer and the incidence rate has increased markedly in recent years. Although some progress is being made, the fundamental abnormalities underlying NHL still remain unclear. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the etiology of NHL are poorly understood and their elucidation could improve current therapeutic approaches. Insulin enhancer binding protein 1 is a member of LIM homeodomain family. It is previously described to play crucial roles in the development of heart, motor neuron and pancreas.
Recent studies demonstrate that ISL 1 is also involved in postnatal physiology and pathology. More reports indicate that ISL 1 may be closely related AV-951 to the occurrence of a variety of tumors. High e pression level of ISL 1 is detected in a majority of pancreatic endocrine tumors, all four subtypes of lung cancer, breast cancer, and nearly 65% of cholan giocarcinoma. Most recent study indicates that ISL 1 is a sensitive but not entirely specific marker of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms and their metastases.