Therefore, catecholamine data point toward the absence of a restorative effect of the IVIg treatment after the MPTP induced nigrostriatal lesion. A comparable 71% decrease of 125RTI 121 specific DAT binding in both controls and IVIg treated MPTP mice selleck screening library compared with vehicle mice was measured in the striatum, further supporting the lack of beneficial effects of IVIg. Moreover, TH, the rate limiting enzyme in the catecholamine synthesis, was quantified in the striatum using Western immunoblot analysis. MPTP markedly depleted TH protein levels by 64% in both the MPTP IVIg and MPTP control groups compared with their respective controls. IVIg treatment also led to a 16% decrease in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries TH protein levels in animals not exposed to MPTP.
Two way ANO VAs further underscored a significant decrease of striatal TH protein levels in IVIg treated groups as compared with controls. Effects of MPTP and IVIg on nigral dopaminergic neuronal loss As expected, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries MPTP Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries injections led to a significant decrease in the number of TH positive DAergic neurons in the SNpc, as determined by immunohistochemistry. Stereological count of TH positive and cresyl violet stained neurons in SNpc revealed a 33% reduction of TH positive neurons in the MPTP control group, whereas there was a 40% decrease in the MPTP IVIg group, as compared with their respective controls. The total number of SNpc neurons was also decreased by MPTP treat ment. To verify whether IVIg treatment affected the proportion of TH positive neurons, we mea sured the ratio of TH positive neurons versus total SNpc cells, as identified Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with TH immunohistochemistry and cresyl violet staining.
Additionally, two way ANOVA analyses revealed that IVIg treatment led to sig nificant reductions in TH positive neurons, total number of SNpc neurons and the ratio of TH positive versus total SNpc neurons in mice. Discussion Our data clearly show that IVIg treatment has an im pact on various Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries immune parameters in mice, confirming the immunomodulatory action of IVIg in the periphery. Indeed, systemic administration of IVIg led to the pres ence of human IgG at the surface of circulating leuko cytes, induced a significant decrease in the CD4 CD8 T cell ratio and increased the Treg percentage. In the present study, we have also assessed the state of the brain DAergic system using a combination of validated selleck products markers. However, our results suggest that immunomo dulating treatment with IVIg did not translate into neu rorestoration of the denervated nigrostriatal DAergic pathway after an acute MPTP insult. Our observations rather suggest potentially negative consequences of IVIg treatment on certain components of the DAergic sys tem, as well as on the health status of the treated ani mals.