Therefore, one of the major goals of allergy research is finding a way to control IL-4-dependent production of nonspecific IgE Abs during the initial sensitization stage to ascertain how the immune system recognizes allergic molecules as nonself. More recently, we reported that time-dependent changes in IgE+ cells in the
spleen after 1st (i.v.) and 2nd (s.c.) find more injections of allergen correlate with changes in the concentrations of nonspecific IgE Ab in the serum, suggesting that the spleen is the main organ responsive to i.v. injected allergens (9). Although the nasal mucosa is the first site of contact with inhaled antigens, the nature of local immune responses against allergens and the role of NALT in those responses have
rarely been studied (10–13). Therefore, the next important question is whether NALT is responsive to an allergen injected i.n. into mice. Since injections of allergen with adjuvant obscure the characteristics of injection sites, we previously injected cedar pollen without adjuvant i.n., i.p., i.v. or HKI-272 datasheet s.c. once into BALB/c mice to explore which lymphoid tissues (e.g., spleen, NALT, Peyer’s patches, submandibular, axillary, inguinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes) are essential for production of nonspecific serum IgE Abs (7–9). In the present study, we injected cedar pollen with or without complete Freund’s adjuvant i.n. once into BALB/c mice to induce IgG or IgE Abs efficiently with the same antigen. We found that submandibular lymph node, but not NALT, cells from mice sensitized with allergen alone i.n. once produced IL-4 and IgE Ab most efficiently.
In addition, Amylase they most efficiently produced IgG Ab by sensitization with allergen and adjuvant i.n. once. Of particular interest, the lymphocyte-rich fraction alone was ineffective in production of IL-4 or IgE (or IgG) Abs; but the addition of Mac-1+ cells from the macrophage-rich to the lymphocyte-rich fraction was essential for production of these Abs. We also examined the cellular mechanisms for class switching of Ig in lymphocytes. Specific pathogen-free male BALB/c mice (7 weeks of age) were purchased from Japan SLC (Hamamatsu, Japan). After an i.n. injection of the test allergen with or without complete Freund’s adjuvant (Sigma-Aldrich; St. Louis, MO, USA), the mice were housed in our animal facility under specific pathogen-free conditions in an air-conditioned room at 23 ± 2°C and ≈ 50% humidity for 1–3 weeks. The experiment was carried out in accordance with the Guidelines on Animal Experiments of Osaka Medical College and the Japanese Government Notification on Feeding and Safekeeping of Animals (Notification No.6 of the Prime Minister’s Office). The experimental protocol was approved by the Review Committee for Animal Experiments of Osaka Medical College. Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen crude extract-Cry j was purchased from Cosmo Bio, Tokyo, Japan.