This is not to say that these two types of explanation are always mutually exclusive, because both types of explanation can lead to therapeutic approaches that can be applied concurrently and be of help to the patient from the point of view of a practical clinician. For example, if a patient develops depression after a stroke to the frontal lobes Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and the primary explanation
is that the brain damage caused the depression, there is no doubt that the patient as a person is greatly helped by developing, through psychotherapy, a narrative that helps him or her tie together the adjustment to both the stroke and the depression, while he or she moves forward with his or her life. Specific neurologic diseases Attention now shifts to discussion of psychopathology in the context of specific diseases. The diseases discussed here are chosen both because they are the most common, and for paradigmatic purposes, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical because they demonstrate
the emergence of psychopathology in diseases of different pathogenetic origins. Thus, the discussion focuses on the following conditions: TBI, an example of acute trauma to the brain with both focal and diffuse effects. Stroke, typically unexpected, occurring in someone Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with significant risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, causing primarily focal damage, although often against the backdrop of chronic vascular insufficiency. PD, an example of a neurodegenerative Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical disease with origins in the subcortex. AD, an example of a neurodegenerative disease with origins in the cortex. MS, a demylenating condition, usually episodic,
affecting the white matter diffusely in the brain and spinal cord. Epilepsy, in which repetitive abnormal electrical discharges Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical occur, but in which there is likely additional brain pathology, typically unknown, so that psychiatric disturbance might arise both in relationship to the seizures, or in relationship to underlying brain damage. While an Ubiquitin ligase inhibitor overview is provided here in the context of the current synthetic discussion, the reader others is referred to a recent textbook for a more comprehensive discussion3 or to a practical clinical volume4 that provides guidance for the clinical care of the psychiatric conditions seen in patients with these neurologic diseases. Traumatic brain injury TBI5 has an annual incidence of about f .5 million cases in the United States, and is associated with both neurological and psychiatric consequences. Typically, the neurologic consequences stabilize with time but the psychiatric disturbances tend to remit and relapse for many years after the injury. Patients who suffer TBI frequently have premorbid histories of alcohol use, impulsive behavior, lack of social support, drug use, and other psychiatric disturbances.