We note that the analysis of NET PTMs selleckchem is somewhat dependent on the conditions of each experiment, since the production of NETs coincides with neutrophil pro tease release. We next compared chromatin preparations from pri mary human neutrophils and unstimulated HL 60 derived neutrophils to NETs derived from these same neutrophils following stimulation with hydrogen perox ide. HL 60 derived neutrophils were also separately sti mulated with TNF or LPS to induce NETs. During NETosis of pri mary human PMNs we observed significant proteolysis of the core histone proteins, limiting the availability of many histone PTMs, as has been pre viously reported. Therefore, for primary human PMNs, we used a more limited PTM panel selected on the basis of epitopes whose states were observed to be different in NETs Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries compared to unstimulated neutrophils derived from cell lines and not Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries subject to degradation.
NETs derived from primary human neutrophils were enriched for several histone PTM Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries methylation, citrulli nation and acetylation marks, including H4K20Me1 2 3, H3Cit, H4Cit3, H4K5Ac, and H4K16Ac, while depleted for H3K9Ac. For comparison, HL 60 NETs were depleted of several PTMs associated with active transcription including H3K27Ac, H3K36Me2, H2BK12Ac, and H3K9Ac, and conversely, enriched for PTM marks associated with transcriptional inactivation during NETosis, including mono, di and tri methyl H3K27. Further, levels of di methyl arginine modification also decreased to nearly undetectable levels in HL 60 derived NETs, consistent with deimination of the arginine to citrulline during NETosis.
Unexpectedly, however, we observed a moderate decrease in histone H3 citrullination during NETosis of HL 60 derived neu trophils, distinguishing them from primary human PMNs which induced a strong citrullination signature upon NETosis. Since we observed hypercitrullination in NETs derived from primary human neutrophils, our Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries HL 60 population could conceivably harbor genotypic or phenotypic differences from HL 60 cells character ized in previous reports, accounting for the dis cordance with previously published observations. In comparing the PTMs found in human NETs to epi topes recognized by serum autoantibodies from patients with SLE, many but not all autoantibody reactive PTMs of SLE were also found in NETs.
For example, while acetyl H3 at K14 and K18 were recognized by serum IgG autoantibodies and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries also detected in NETs, acetyl H3K9 and dimethyl H4R3 were recognized but were only weakly positive or not detected in NETs derived from HL 60 cells. Many PTMs present in NETs only exhibited modest IgG serum reactivity, which was present in both healthy controls and SLE patients. Serum IgM reactivity was more widespread selleck chem and thus overlapped to a greater extent with PTMs detected in NETs.