excoriata Selleck YH25448 are more often narrowly clavate to subcylindric (Wasser 1993; Vellinga 2001). The ITS data separate the two taxa, with M. orientiexcoriata in its own clade separate from M. excoriata (Fig. 1). Macrolepiota phaeodisca Bellù, which is sister to M. orientiexcoriata in the phylogenetic tree, originally described from the Mediterranean region (Sardinia, Italy), grows in sandy environment, differs in the dark squamules-fibrillose
pileus, and lack of clamp connections (Bellù 1984). Macrolepiota orientiexcoriata is also very similar to M. mastoidea. However, the latter has a distinctive umbonate pileus covered with grey-brownish velvet squamules which are irregularly arranged or star-shaped, and its slender stipe covered with
pale brownish squamules. Chlorophyllum neomastoideum (Hongo) Vellinga, originally described from Japan, is somewhat similar, but it differs from M. orientiexcoriata by the reddening of the flesh when cut, vesicular to clavate cheilocystidia, smaller (7–8.5 × 4.5–6 μm) and truncate spores (Hongo 1970). Macrolepiota procera (Scop. : Fr.) Singer in Papers Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts selleck chemicals llc Letters 32: 141. 1948 (‘1946’). Agaricus procerus Scop., Fl. Carn. 2: 418. 1772. Agaricus procerus Scop. : Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1: 20. 1821. Lepiota procera (Scop. : Fr.) S.F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1: 601. 1821. Mastocephalus procerus (Scop. : Fr.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2.: 1860. 1891. Leucocoprinus procerus (Scop. : Fr.) Pat., Essai Taxon. Hymen.: 171. 1900. Lepiotophyllum procerum (Scop. : Fr.) Locq. in Bull. mens. Soc. linn.
Lyon 11: 40. 1942. Basidiomata (Fig. 6a) medium to large-sized. Pileus 7–25 cm in diam., ovoid to drum stick shaped when young, becoming convex to plano-convex with age, with an obtuse umbo at disc, white to whitish, covered with brown, dark brown to grayish brown plate-like squamules; disc smooth, brown; covering disrupting into small plate-like squamules which are irregularly arranged toward margin on the dirty white background. Lamellae free, densely crowded, thin, white when young, white to cream selleck colored when mature, with lamellulae in 2-3 lengths. Stipe whitish, subcylindrical, 18.0–34 × 1.0–2.2 cm, attenuating upwards, at base enlarged (3.5–4.0 cm), covered with brown to dark brown velvet squamules sometimes in irregular bands, hollow or fibrous-stuffed. Annulus superior, about 5 cm below stipe apex, dirty white above, underside brownish, membranous, complex, moveable. Context spongy, white to cream at the pileus, grayish red to purplish brown at the stipe; not changing color. Smell not recorded. Taste mild. Fig. 6 Macrolepiota procera (HKAS 8108) a. Basidiomata; b. Squamules on pileus; c. Basidiospores; d. Basidia; e. Cheilocystidia Basidiospores (Fig. 6c) [64/4/4] (12.0) 13.0–16.0 (19.0) × 8.0–10.0 (12.0) μm, Q = (1.35) 1.40–1.63 (1.65), avQ = 1.50 ± 0.