However, including a measure of the variation in [THg] for an individual woman did not have a large effect on the number of women exceeding any given threshold (Table 1). Frequency of self-reported consumption of fish, shellfish and dairy products are shown in Fig. 1. The best approximating a priori model describing [THg] in the proximal segment
of hair of these pregnant women included the frequency of consumption of fish (AICc = -25.88, wi = 0.77, K = 5), and was 2.9 AICc units from the next best model, which included an effect of shellfish consumption (AIC = -22.95, wi = 0.18, K = 8). [THg] varied significantly with fish consumption Selleck APO866 (F = 8.8, p < 0.0001; Fig. 2). Although the 2nd best model included an effect of shellfish consumption, the effect was not significant (F = 0.67, p = 0.58). These findings and results did not change significantly when the 90 ppm outlier was included. The δ15N values ranged from 7.43‰ to 10.70‰ (mean = 9.35 ± 0.08‰) and δ13C ranged from -18.52‰ to -12.19‰ (mean = -16.62 ± 0.09‰). The [THg] increased with δ15N (F = 5.76, p = 0.02, R2 = 0.08), independent of the 90 ppm outlier, while [THg] decreased as δ13C became more enriched or less negative (F = 4.26, p = 0.04, R2 = 0.06), independent of the 90 ppm outlier. However, the relationship
between δ13C and [THg] was not significant when δ13C was ranked (F = 0.7, p = 0.41) because the influence of an outlying individual is reduced. This individual CYTH4 had the lowest δ15N (7.43‰) as well as the most enriched δ13C (-12.19‰) and the lowest mean [THg] (0.12 μg/g), and reported consuming no fish or shellfish and dairy only once a month. The individual with the high [THg] (90 μg g−1) had values of δ15N and δ13C that fell near the mean (9.2‰, -16.58‰, respectively) and reported consuming fish once every two weeks, no shellfish, and dairy twice or more per week. The best approximating a priori model describing variation in δ15N in the hair of these pregnant women in relation to reported diet included the frequency of consumption of fish and shellfish (AICc = -56.26, wi = 0.78,
no. of parameters K = 8), and was 2.56 AICc units from the next best model, which did not include the effects of frequency of shellfish consumption (AICc = -53.70, wi = 0.22, K = 5). δ15N varied significantly with fish consumption (F = 5.6, p < 0.01) and shellfish consumption (F = 3.3, p = 0.03; Fig. 3). The best approximating a priori model describing variation in δ13C in the hair in relation to reported diet included the frequency of consumption of fish (AICc = -182.91, wi = 0.93, K = 5), and was 5.96 AICc units from the next best model which included the effect of frequency of shellfish consumption (AICc = -176.94, wi = 0.05, K = 5). δ13C did not vary significantly with either fish or shellfish consumption (F < 1.95, p > 0.13).