Mapping and size estimation exercise The mapping and size estimation exercise across different parts of India was first conducted in the year 2005. The key mapped populations included sex workers (females, men, and hijras/transgenders) and IDUs. The mapping estimate of the MSM population includes both high-risk MSM and transgender/hijra.
Broad methodological steps included Enzastaurin mw physical mapping of sites within each area, collecting data from secondary and tertiary key informants (people who are in contact with persons engaged in high-risk activities), collation of data from multiple sources, and its triangulation through interviews from selected individuals from within the high-risk community. The second round of mapping and size estimation was carried out in the year 2009. The lists produced in the year 2005 were validated by a research institute, and the estimates and hotspots were modified accordingly. Program data were also used to triangulate the validated estimates in the year 2009. Integrated behavioral and biological assessment Two rounds of IBBA
were undertaken among MSM in 16 of the 83 Avahan intervention districts. Round one was conducted between November 2005 and December 2006 and round two between October and March 2009. From four high prevalence states, a total of 16 districts were selected for MSM survey in IBBA. Based on the size of the MSM population, four districts in Andhra Pradesh, five districts in Karnataka, three districts in Maharashtra, and four districts in Tamil Nadu were selected for the survey. However, the IBBA for FSW was conducted in six high prevalence states in 29 districts, which includes eight districts in Andhra Pradesh, five districts in Karnataka, six districts in Maharashtra, five districts in Tamil Nadu, two districts in Manipur, and three districts in Nagaland.
The target sample size was 400 per district for MSM. Except in Maharashtra, where two districts were combined, and in Karnataka, four districts were combined for collecting a sample size of 400 MSM. Both rounds used identical methodologies. Probability-based sampling methods such as conventional cluster sampling and time–location sampling were used following a comprehensive sampling frame development exercise spanning Dacomitinib the entire district.21 Both rounds of IBBA collected behavioral information and biological samples to test for STIs, including HIV. Fieldwork was conducted by research agencies under the guidance and supervision of the implementing state Indian Council of Medical Research Institute in Andhra Pradesh, the Indian National Institute of Nutrition, and the National AIDS Research Institute. Behavioral Surveillance Survey The BSS consists of systematic and repeated cross-sectional surveys of HIV and STI-related behaviors, socioeconomic conditions of the populations, and knowledge and attitudes on certain issues, including knowledge about transmission of HIV.