The range of the disease index was grouped into four types as 25%

The range of the disease index was grouped into four types as 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% depending upon the damage caused to the leaves. The disease index was calculated to evaluate the

damage PI3K Inhibitor Library caused to the leaves and know the severity of the problem caused by the larvae. Turmeric leaves (5 g) were collected from all experimental plots and ground separately with 80% aqueous acetone using a chilled pestle and mortar. The aqueous layer was transferred to a clean test tube. The process was repeated until the residue turned into pale white. The acetone layer with chlorophyll and carotenoid contents was made up to known volume, and these contents were determined using a UV–VIS Spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Japan).11 Freshly plucked turmeric leaves were used for estimating other biochemical constituents such as total sugars,12 nitrogen,13 protein,14 amino acids,15 polyphenols16 and catechin17 contents. Since the leaves of plants

are a potent source of photosynthesis, all physiological observations were restricted to these leaves. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and stomatal conductance (Sc) were measured using portable infrared gas analyzer (ADC LCA-3, UK) and an open type Parkinson leaf chamber (ADC PLC-3) under field condition without detaching the leaves. Water use efficiency was calculated from the ratio between net Pn rate and Tr rate as per the method of.18 Secondary metabolites from H. citriformis was extracted following. 19 Metabolites were extracted through solvent extraction method into ethyl acetate MK-8776 purchase at the ratio of 4:1 (v/v) and were subjected to GC–MS analysis. The analysis was carried with GC Clarus 500 Perkin Elmer equipment. The means of all data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the means of the data including Thiamine-diphosphate kinase the standard error (SE) was segregated by critical difference (CD) at various levels of significance (CV) was calculated for the assessment of disease incidence.20 The in vitro mortality of U. folus is presented in Fig. 1. It is evident that the death rate of the pest increased as the day’s progress and the maximum

death of the larvae was recorded in H. citriformis (5) followed by M. anisopliae (4.67) both being observed in the fourth instar larvae. Among the fungi tested, B. bassiana was found to be least effective. Yet it showed a mortality of 3.67 on day 5 in 4th instar larvae. The results of the field trials (Table 1) revealed a significant mortality of U. folus by H. citriformis and M. anisopliae. Mortality of the larvae started on the 3 DAT (days after treatment) and showed a stage related response. Among the fungal isolates tested, H. citriformis registered the maximum mortality of about 8.33 followed by M. anisopliae which was about 6. When compared with the standard MTCC culture, the isolate from mycosed larva was on par. Both caused similar pest mortality and it was more in the fifth instar larvae on 7th DAT.

The TBS supernatants were stored at −80 °C and the pellets were h

The TBS supernatants were stored at −80 °C and the pellets were homogenized in 1 ml of 2% SDS/TBS with protease inhibitor (Roche), then centrifuged at 100,000 × g for 1 h at 25 °C following 15 min incubation at 37 °C. The pellet was washed once, then extracted further with 1 ml of 70% formic acid, and centrifuged at 100,000 × g HKI-272 mouse for 1 h. The 70% formic acid extracts were neutralized with 1 M Tris–HCl, pH 8.0 at dilution of 1:20. For quantification of Aβ in the insoluble fractions, we used β-amyloid ELISA kit (Wako, Japan). The supernatant was diluted with standard dilution buffer at 1:2000 for Aβ40 or 1:400 for Aβ42 and measured according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The obtained values were

Adriamycin in vitro corrected with the wet weight of each brain hemisphere samples and expressed as pmol/g brain. For analysis of Aβ oligomers in the SDS soluble fractions, 5 μl of the supernatant referring to the sample preparation in ELISA was electrophoresed on 15/25% gradient SDS-PAGE gel (Daiichi, Japan) and transferred onto 0.2 μm nitrocellulose membrane at 200 mA for 1 h. Filters were blocked with

5% non-fat milk in a 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4 containing 150 mM NaCl and 0.05% Tween 20 (TBS-T). After washing the membranes in TBS-T, monoclonal anti-Aβ antibody 6E10 (Senetek, Napa, CA) was used to probe the blots. Bound antibody was visualized using horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (at 1:10,000) and ECL + detection (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Arlington Heights, IL). Cryosections were fixed for 15 min with 70% formic much acid for Aβ staining or 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and rinsed with PBS–Triton before incubation in 0.3% H2O2 in methanol for 30 min. Sections were incubated at RT for 2 h with antibody as indicated below. Sections were washed with PBS–Triton before incubation with secondary goat anti-mouse or anti-rabbit antibodies for 2 h. After PBS–Triton washes, sections were stained by the avidin–biotin HRP/DAB method. For immunofluorescent labeling, the fluorochromated immunoreagents were applied

at a concentration of 20 μg/ml PBS containing 1% BSA and 2% normal goat serum. Aβ plaque-containing sections were stained with polyclonal rabbit anti-Aβ antibody (Senetek, Napa, CA). The following primary antibodies were used at 1:50: CD3e, CD4, CD86, CD19 and CD11b (BD Biosciences Pharmingen, San Jose, CA), Cy3-tagged anti-mouse GFAP (Sigma, Saint Louis, MS; 1:400), and Iba-1 for microglia (kind gift from Dr. U. Imai, NCNP, Tokyo). Quantitative analysis of Aβ burden was performed as described previously [21] in three different brain regions, the hippocampus, the frontal cortex, and the parietal association cortex of rSeV-LacZ-treated and rSeV-Aβ-treated Tg2576 mice (n = 4 each). The Aβ burden was defined as the percentage of a brain region covered by Aβ-immunoreactive deposits.

Many middle and high income

countries have observed subst

Many middle and high income

countries have observed substantial declines of 17–55% in all-cause gastroenteritis hospitalization and even larger declines of 49–89% in rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalizations among children <5 years of age within the first two years following rotavirus vaccine introduction [25], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41] and [42]. Due to the large rotavirus disease burden among hospitalized children, these declines translate into large numbers of hospitalizations prevented. For example, studies show that in the USA following the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in 2006 an estimated 40,000–60,000 acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations, or approximately 4–5% of all hospitalizations among US children <5 years of age, were prevented in 2008 [33] (Table 3). In some settings, Sorafenib purchase researchers have observed the indirect effects of rotavirus vaccines among children age-eligible but missed by the vaccination program, and among older children and adults. The USA observed declines

of 6–46% in rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalizations among age-eligible unvaccinated children although these declines were smaller than the 88–93% decline observed among age-eligible see more vaccinated children [42]. Many countries including the USA and Belgium have observed declines in rotavirus disease during the first few years of vaccine introduction that exceed the coverage levels of rotavirus vaccine in the population [43], [44], [45] and [46]. Furthermore, the declines in rotavirus hospitalizations among children <5 years of age that were age-ineligible during the first few years after vaccine introduction saw declines in rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalizations (24–81%) that were similar to or slightly lower than those declines observed among vaccine-eligible age groups (50–96%) [27], [28], [29], [31], [32], [34], [35], [38], [40], [43] and [47]. Additionally, studies in the USA observed declines in acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations of 8–29% among older children

and adults 5–24 years of age during the rotavirus season following rotavirus vaccine introduction suggesting an unappreciated burden of rotavirus disease in these older populations [48]. Rotavirus strains are characterized by two surface proteins, VP7, the glycoprotein (G protein) and VP4, the Mephenoxalone protease-cleaved protein (P protein), that evoke antibody response. At least 10 G and 11 P antigen types have been identified among human rotavirus strains with five strains (G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8], G4P[8], and G9P[8]) found to be responsible for the majority of severe rotavirus infections worldwide [49], [50] and [51]. However, there are extensive differences in the predominant circulating strains between geographic regions and change over time [51]. G1 strains predominated globally from 1996 to 2007 although the relative frequency decreased over time [51].

Four-week-old female NOD/Lt mice, with average weight of 18 8 g,

Four-week-old female NOD/Lt mice, with average weight of 18.8 g, were raised and maintained under pathogen-free conditions at the Animal Center of this institute purchased from Slaccas Experimental Animal Limited Company, Shanghai, PR China (SCXK 2003-0003).

The onset of clinical insulitis begins at about 3 months of age and reaches a cumulative incidence of 80% or greater by 8 months of age in this colony for female. The mice were divided into four groups of ten animals each (n = 10 per group). Three groups, respectively, received three i.n. inoculations of 100 μg of purified HSP65-6 × P277, HSP65 and peptide P277 solubilized in sterilized phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) at 4, 7, and 10 weeks of the age; the control mice received three i.n. inoculations of PBS (pH this website 7.4) at the same time as above. The serum samples were collected before every inoculation, after the third administration, serum samples were collected at monthly interval for 5 months and stored at −20 °C for use in antibody assays. For detection of P277-specific antibodies, a standard ELISA technique was applied as previously described [19]. Briefly, 10 μg/ml of purified VEGF-P277 was applied to ELISA plates (Costar, USA)

overnight at 4 °C. After saturation with 5% BSA for 60 min, the plates were washed and serum samples were added. The binding of antibodies were detected using horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rat IgG or isotype-specific anti-mouse IgG1, IgG2a, or IgG2b (Promega, USA). Substrate was added and color development was assayed in an ELISA plate reader (Thermo, USA). Each serum was tested in duplicate. Results were expressed as OD at 450 nm. After until the final administration, serum samples were collected at monthly interval. The concentration

of blood glucose was measured by Hitachi automatic analyzer (model-7150, Tokyo, Japan). A mouse was considered to be diabetic if the blood glucose level was >11 mM on two consecutive examinations. Mice from each treatment group were killed at the age of 8 months, when almost all the control NOD mice were sick. The pancreata were fixed with 10% formalin solution. Formalin-fixed paraffin blocks of pancreas tissue were sectioned with a microtome, stained with hematoxylin (Sangon Company, Shanghai, China) and eosin (Sangon Company, Shanghai, China). We invited a pathologist (Southeast University, Nanjing, China) helping us to evaluate the degree of insulitis in a blinded fashion. The average degree of insulitis was assessed over 20 islets scored per pancreas. Each islet was classified as: clear, if no infiltrate was detected; mildly infiltrated, if peri-insulitis or an intra-islet infiltrate occupied <25% of the islet; infiltrated or heavily infiltrated, if 25–50% or >50% of the islet was occupied by inflammatory cells. Four weeks after the last dose the spleens were removed, and the T-cell proliferative responses were assayed in vitro.

Importantly during persistent infection, the adaptive immune resp

Importantly during persistent infection, the adaptive immune response

is able to control, but not clear infection. The inability to clear the infection is thought to be due to the generation of antigenically variant surface proteins which escape detection and allow for a window of pathogen replication [17]. For example, repeated exposure to Plasmodium falciparum, one of the causative agents of malaria, results in the development of naturally acquired immunity. In both A. marginale and P. falciparum, control of persistent infection is thought to be due in part to antibody directed toward surface Natural Product Library expressed variant antigens. In the case of A. marginale, a temporal relationship exists between clearance of an Msp2 variant and development of a variant-specific antibody response [8] and [9]. Similarly, P. falciparum parasites causing clinical disease express a PfEMP1 protein to which the patient has no pre-existing antibody; in response the immune system mounts an antibody response Alectinib cost with specificity for the expressed protein [18], [19], [20], [21] and [22]. Thus, it has been suggested that naturally acquired immunity to P. falciparum correlates with gradual acquisition of an entire repertoire of protective PfEMP1 antibody characterized by asymptomatic parasitemia, but does not result in sterile immunity or protection

against re-infection, and requires years to develop [22] and [23]. In contrast STK38 to naturally acquired immunity, sterile immunity

can be induced by immunization with irradiated sporozoites in the case of P. falciparum, and outer membrane proteins, in the case of A. marginale [7], [10], [11] and [24]. The data presented in this paper indicate that there is no correlation between the prevention of infection due to immunization and the antibody response to the highly immunogenic hypervariable surface protein responsible for immune evasion. Thus, the difference between the evasion of immunity resulting in persistent infection and the immunization-induced complete clearance is likely due to induction of antibody to conserved proteins that occurs following immunization but does not occur during natural infection. Although antibody to Msp2 is abundantly produced in response to immunization, antibodies targeting a wide variety of conserved proteins have also been identified [25]. Thus, shifting the immune response toward conserved epitopes that are poorly recognized during infection may be the key to effective vaccine development. The excellent technical assistance of Bev Hunter is gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported by NIHR01 AI44005, USDA ARSCRIS5348-32000-027-00D, and USDA-ARS cooperative agreement 58-5348-3-0212. The research reported in this manuscript was supported by the Wellcome Trust (GR075800M). “
“The authors would like to apologies that the first column of the second line of the table should be “Varilrix”. Please see the correct Table 3. “
“Bordetella pertussis (B.

29 The leaves contain huge amount of vitamin C which is used in t

29 The leaves contain huge amount of vitamin C which is used in the treatment of oedema. 30 A decoction of the herb is used as a vermifuge and is useful in rheumatitis. It is also an antidote to alcoholic poison. 31 The present study was carried out with the aim to determine the chemical composition of essential oil isolated from T. decandra using GC–MS and to evaluate its antimicrobial activity and antioxidant activity against clinical bacterial and fungal Capmatinib supplier pathogens. The leaves of T. decandra L. were collected from Salem district, Tamil Nadu, India during June 2008. The plant

was taxonomically identified and authenticated by the Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and voucher specimen No.BSI/SRC/5/23/10-11/Tech.975 was deposited in Plant Tissue Culture laboratory, SRM University for future reference. Aerial parts of T. decandra were washed with distilled water to remove dirt and soil, and were shade dried.

The dried plant material was powdered and passed through a 40-mesh sieve. The coarse powder (500 g) was extracted with petroleum ether (60–80°C), removed wax, and then extracted thrice with chloroform (CHCl3). The chloroform crude extract was desalted and dewaxed. It was dissolved in minimum quantity of acetone and absorbed over silica gel and transferred to a column (Column Height: 50 cm, Diameter: BKM120 chemical structure 9 cm) packed with silica gel (60–120 mesh) using petroleum ether and eluted with solvents of increasing polarity. The fractions eluted with petroleum ether: chloroform (3:1) gave a colourless liquid as an essential oil with a yield of 800 mg. To study the antimicrobial activity of various extracts of T. decandra, the strains of bacteria, yeast and fungi were collected from Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh. The selected microorganisms included bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 29213), Streptococcus faecalis (MTCC 0459), Enterococcus faecalis (MTCC 2729), E. coli (MTCC 443), P. aeruginosa (MTCC 1035), Salmonella typhi (MTCC PD184352 (CI-1040) 98), Vibrio cholera (MTCC

3906), Proteus vulgaris (MTCC 1771), Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 121), Yersinia enterocolitica (MTCC 840) and fungi such as Candida albicans (MTCC 183) and Cryptococcus neoformans (MTCC 1346). The in vitro antimicrobial activity of the sample was studied by disc diffusion method. Sterile nutrient agar (Himedia) plates were inoculated with a loopful broth culture of each organism. Sterile discs (6 mm diameter) were impregnated with 20 μl (1 mg/disc) quantity of dimethyl sulfoxide solution of essential oil were air dried and placed on the seeded agar plates. The plates were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Chloramphenicol and nystatin (30 μg) were used as positive control. 32 After incubation, the DIZ was measured. Minimal inhibition concentration assay was performed in nutrient broth supplemented with resazurin according to the method.

Metronidazole was once considered to be teratogenic, however 50 y

Metronidazole was once considered to be teratogenic, however 50 years of usage has quelled that concern. However, treatment of Tv during pregnancy did not have the impact of reducing pregnancy complications as hoped. Metronidazole treatment during pregnancy was found to increase preterm labor (relative risk 3.0) compared to placebo (untreated) Tv infections [24] and [25]. A potential conflicting factor of the results from the Klebanoff

study is a nonstandard metronidazole dosage regime. Yet while no evidence of direct causality has been reported, it is speculated that dying Tv Enzalutamide manufacturer or the release of virus contained in some strains of Tv may result in stimulation of innate immune response or changes in bacterial flora that affect the pregnancy outcome, but studies are required to confirm this [25]. The overall data regarding Tv infection and pregnancy strongly suggests the value of screening

and treatment of women seeking to become pregnant, or are at risk of unplanned pregnancies, and their male partners. Reports regarding the increased transmission Selleckchem Venetoclax and acquisition of HIV in Tv infected study participants has stimulated recent interest in the parasite. The odds ratio of a female with Tv acquiring HIV has been measured between 1.52 and 2.74 [10], [26] and [27]. A mathematical model of HIV infection based on a 1.8 odds ratio of acquiring HIV when infected with Tv estimates that 2% of all HIV acquired by females in the United States may be attributable to Tv [28]. In regions where science Tv is more prevalent such as in Africa, the impact of Tv on HIV transmission could be higher. Guenthner and colleagues [29] investigated the ability of HIV-1 to pass through a polarized monolayer of epithelial cells in conjunction with Tv. They demonstrated p24 gag could be detected in the basolateral supernatant in greater quantities

compared to controls without Tv. Furthermore, differences in amount of epithelial damage based upon the Tv isolate was positively associated with HIV-1 passage through the monolayer. An additional experiment investigated the ability of Tv-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) acutely infected with HIV-1 to induce replication of HIV-1. Activation of the acutely infected PBMC promoted HIV-1 replication. Thus two proposed mechanisms of synergy of Tv and HIV-1 were the pathogenesis of the Tv isolate’s ability to induce damage to epithelial cells and the activation of acutely infected PBMC [29]. The relationship of Tv and HIV is reviewed in more detail elsewhere [30]. Co-infection of Tv and HIV in men and women is positively associated (odds ratio of 1.22 and 1.31, respectively) [31] with further reports identifying more Tv infections in HIV+ than HIV− patients and an odds ratio of 2.12 for HIV+ individuals to acquire Tv [26] and [32]. Lower CD4 counts (40–140 and 150–250 cells/mL) and higher viral loads have been reported to be associated with likelihood of Tv diagnosis [33] and [34].

For example, by 2008 many participants had not experienced demoli

For example, by 2008 many participants had not experienced demolition or housing improvement and these we have used as a pragmatic control group to examine short to medium term effects of these interventions on current recipients (Bond et al., 2012 and Egan et al., 2013). Thus, while unpredictable

change presents a major challenge, we have tried to take advantage of it where possible by identifying different ways (at different time points) in which intervention exposure varies across our sample of participants. Without intending to do so, practitioners have created a ‘waiting list’ effect within the interventions that can help us assess intervention impacts and dose–response relationships. Our ability to do this 17-AAG ic50 type of analysis is the result of efforts to link practitioner-held information on the interventions, including the dates and exact nature of actions taken, to our survey data on a case-by-case basis through property addresses. This is a time-consuming exercise as the data held by practitioners is not readily user-friendly for research purposes. It is also uncommon in regeneration evaluations to do this, as much analysis is only conducted on an area basis, but it adds another level to our ability to identify the effects of

regeneration AG-014699 solubility dmso on residents, and relies upon a high degree of trust between the researchers and practitioners for individual-level data to be shared in this way. Our use of several time points in longitudinal analysis (eventually four-time points) is another way of using the analysis of the survey data to test pathways to outcomes and establish whether changes in health and wellbeing outcomes can be attributed to more immediate changes in residential circumstances brought about by housing and regeneration interventions. We can also

use repeated analysis following subsequent survey waves to address unanswered questions arising from previous analysis. For example, after the first two MTMR9 survey waves, we found an absence of health decline among residents of demolition areas (Egan et al., 2013), as a result of which we are exploring several potential explanations for this apparent ‘protective’ effect on health in our analysis of the third wave of survey data (linked longitudinally to the previous two waves). Finally, our mixed methods approach can help with the issue of attribution of effect. For example, our survey findings indicate relatively negative trends in social outcomes in areas that have received relocatees from regeneration areas. We cannot tell through the survey evidence whether or not this is due to the arrival of ‘incomers’ from elsewhere, so-called ‘negative spill over effects’ (Kleinhans and Varady, 2011), but we are embarking on qualitative research in these areas to ascertain whether this appears to be the case from residents’ accounts of social change.

(2010) suggest that this tissue also participates in the expressi

(2010) suggest that this tissue also participates in the expression and propagation of seizures. The cerebellum coordinates smooth motor activities and processes muscle position (Hansen and Koeppen, 2002). More studies are needed to evaluate the association of these tissues with epileptic seizures. The results of the present study demonstrate that both organic and conventional grape juices show important neuroprotective effects against PTZ-induced oxidative damage in rats. This effect could be important in reducing neuronal damage and, therefore, allow for a better quality of life for epileptic patients. Additionally, the open field test (Fig. 1) shows that neither grape juice affects

the behavior (locomotor and exploratory activities) of animals. Still, organic grape juice shows a tendency to decrease the anxiety of the rats. These Alpelisib findings indicate that grape juices will provide further insights into natural neuroprotective compounds and may lead to the development of therapeutic strategies for epileptic

AZD5363 patients in pharmaceutical or nutraceutical areas. The authors would like to thank the staff of the Laboratories of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants, especially Aline Cerbaro, Bárbara Costa and Taís Pozzer, as well as José Inácio Gonzalez for their contributions to the treatment of the animals. We also thank Vinícola Perini and Cooperativa Aecia de Agricultores Ecologistas

Ltda. for providing the grape juices. We thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS)-PRONEX/CNPq number 10/0044-3 for their financial support of this research study. “
“The authors regret that in the original manuscript, the wrong Western blot was erroneously displayed for actin. This has been corrected in this revised panel. Correct actin immunoblot for Fig. 9A is shown below. Figure options Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slideThe authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. “
“Gangliosides are a large family of glycosphingolipids, structurally characterized until by a ceramide hydrophobic core linked to an oligosaccharide chain, which usually contains at least one sialic acid residue. They are synthesized in the Golgi apparatus through sequential glycosylation and sialylation of a glucosylceramide moiety (Tettamanti, 2004). Gangliosides amount to 10% of the brain membrane lipid content and act as the functional lipid component of the membrane rafts; they play important biochemical roles in cell biology, taking part in some processes like cell differentiation and maturation, synaptogenesis, intercellular communication, neuronal plasticity, and cell death/survival processes.

Experience has shown that successful committees function with abo

Experience has shown that successful committees function with about 10–15 core members who serve in their personal

capacity and represent a broad range of disciplines encompassing many aspects of immunization and vaccines [6], [12], [13], [14], [15] and [16]. This allows for some useful redundancy of expertise that ensures more fruitful and balanced debate. As well, some redundancy is helpful as not all members will likely be able to attend all meetings. For committees with a small number of members the effect of absentees would be particularly noticeable. Too large a committee is more costly and more difficult to manage. Beyond a limited number of members, as long as the necessary expertise is already captured on the committee, there is little to be gained by enrolling additional Dabrafenib concentration members. Groups with an odd number of members may be more effective for resolving disagreements and

reaching more speedy decisions [18], [19], [20] and [21]. The composition of the group should include two categories of members: core and non-core members. All core members should be independent and credible experts who serve Selleckchem C59 wnt in their own capacity and who do not represent the interests of a particular group or stakeholder. Members should refrain from promoting the policies and views and products of the organization for which they work. Independence from government is defined by the absence of a direct or indirect supervisory relationships within the immunization program, or ideally, within the larger Ministry of Health. Members should feel free and encouraged to express their views even if at odds Vasopressin Receptor with those of the

immunization programme managers or Ministry of Health policies. Core members only should participate in advising and deciding on the final set of recommendations. Non-core members can be further subdivided into two groups, namely ex officio [22] and liaison members [23]. Ex officio members hold key positions with important government entities they represent (e.g. National Regulatory Authorities or drug/vaccine licensing bodies and from the National Control Laboratory performing the controls of vaccines, and administrative groups with responsibility for immunization programmes, planning, education, finance, and other activities) and their presence is solicited because of the position held. Liaison members generally represent various important professional societies or associations, other national advisory committees, and key technical partners (e.g. WHO and UNICEF) [12], [13], [14] and [17]. The determination of who should serve as a representative of the organization should be left to the organization itself, who will identify the most appropriate individual from its membership. A rotation process can also be decided by the organization although it is better to have some stability rather than have a too frequent change of liaison representatives.