The tidal range in the southern Baltic area is no more than 15 cm, while large-scale meteorological situations can excite a storm surge with water level changes of the order of 1.5 m within one day. The Darss-Zingst peninsula (Figure 1) on the southern Baltic was formed after the postglacial transgression (Schumacher 2002, Lampe 2002) and is composed of two main parts. The exterior part is a triangularly shaped barrier island with two ‘wings’ extending south-westwards (Fischland-Darss) and eastwards (Darss-Zingst), and a headland (Darsser Ort) linking the two wings in the north. The formation
of the barrier island is the result of a combination of climate change, hydrodynamics and sediment transport, which still remains active today. The interior part consists of a chain of lagoons (the ‘Darss-Zingst Bodden’), which are subject Selleck STI571 to progressive phytogenic silting-up. The westerly exposed coast of Darss and the northerly exposed coast of Zingst are characterized by strong abrasion of the cliff coast and the flat beach coast, as well as a rapid accumulation at the top of the headland (Darsser Ort) as a result of the abundant sediment supply brought by the wind-induced longshore currents. The eastern extension of the peninsula is the ‘Bock’ sand flat, which is separated from the southernmost tip of Hiddensee Island by a dredged channel. Bock Island is like a container,
where sediment transported southwards along Hiddensee and eastwards along Daporinad order the Zingst coast accumulates. The particular evolution of the Darss-Zingst Endonuclease peninsula may serve as a good example to study coastal evolution under long-term climate change, and has instigated several descriptive and conceptual studies in the last 100 years (Otto 1913, Kolp 1978, Lampe 2002, Schumacher 2002). In contrast to traditional geological and sedimentological studies based on field observation and analysis, morphodynamic modelling of coastal evolution based on process concepts is in its infancy, owing to its dependence on computer power, which has only recently become available. Process-based
models can be divided into three categories according to their object of study on different time scales: (1) real-time simulation on time scales from tidal to seasonal periods, (2) medium long-term simulation on time scales from annual, decadal to centennial and millennial periods, and (3) extreme long-term or geological time scale (longer than 10 000 years scale) simulation. Models for the first and third category are well developed today and a wide range of such models is available. However, the development of models for the second category (hereafter referred to as ‘long-term model’) has yet to reach maturity (Fagherazzi & Overeem 2007). A common way of simulating decadal-to-centennial coastal morphological evolution is to extrapolate the real-time calculation (the first type of model) to longer time periods.